sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Three Times a Ghost

Come wear me down

Come break my bones,
come spread my ashes.
Come wear me down,
come wear me down.
In life a king,
in death a failure.
Come help me cry,
come help me cry.

I wanted to be changed by the road.
I so wanted to change the road.
But somehow we both resisted change.
Somehow we were both too strong.
And yet we have both winded away,
unsure of where we head.
And it's like we're both confused as to who is who.
As if, late in the night,
you can't tell the wanderer from the road
- the walker from the walked.
Maybe I'm just the road, dreaming that I walk.

Dust in my throat,
dust in my nostrils.
Dust in my mouth,
dust in my eyes.
From dust I come,
through dust I wander.
Dust I'll remain - dust all I am.

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011

Sometimes things are what they are.

(And so do people.)

I want to be alone.

Tu veux ou tu veux pas

Tu veux ou tu veux pas
Toi tu dis noir et après tu dis blanc
C'est noir c'est noir
Oui mais si c'est blanc c'est blanc
C'est noir ou blanc
Mais ce n'est pas noir et blanc
C'est comme ci ou comme ça
Ou tu veux ou tu veux pas

My Roller Skates

Painting with Fingers

Masculin Féminin

Lola in our bed.